Thursday, May 7, 2009


There’s been movement at the station this week…

Things seem to be moving again, thank goodness. Apologies in advance for the poor picture quality, I only had my phone with me.

Our splash back has been installed and the colour is absolutely stunning. I am so happy with it! I know it is not everyone’s cup of tea but I LOVE IT!!

Splash back…

Our water tank was delivered on Monday/Tuesday and then today (Thursday) the plumbers have been and have connected it all up. We have one of the neat tanks that have the pump built into the unit, so cool. We think our solar panels have been installed as well. We can just see the corner of one of them. We are supposed to have two, so we may have to either take up a ladder or ask T&L next door, if they can see any solar panels on our roof. LOL

Water tank all plumbed in..
Plumbing for Solar Gas Hot Water

Met the painter on site and our feature walls were news to him, the Hopetoun sheet he is working off is 30 October, when the last revised one was 8th December. So he obviously did not know about the feature walls or the gable colour either. He said he cannot remember the last time he did a house with three coats, but that was at least what he’d do on his own house. Seems like a really nice guy. When we had a look around, he looks to have done a really good job so far. Told me to come back Friday, when it should all be finished to have a look then. Guess where I am going Friday morning before work.

We’re really, really happy with the wall colour too. Divinity, it’s not beige or white or sand or peach or pink or cinnamon but kind of all of them LOL. Really cool colour as it seems to take on the tones of what you put near to it which is great.

Bedroom 2, the wall colour looks so different in the different light, really amazing..
Doors all lined up to be painted.
So, no update from the SS or the CSC for two weeks, as the SS was sick and might still be for all I know. I have not rung him because if he is still sick, I think that’s a bit rude. I certainly would not want my clients phoning me. "N" our CSC was going to ring with an update when she caught up with him. I expect a call from her tomorrow ( Friday) and I will ring her if I do not hear by lunchtime. I want to know what is going on with the Kitchen bench/tap issue, I don't want this to cause an issue right at the end, I'd rather it was dealt with now. Nothing has happened so far and the fix invoice is still outstanding.

Have a great weekend people and good luck with your builds :-)


NoShitSherlock said...

J, we are two of a kind, 'cos I too LOVE your splashback!! Lol! What colour is it? I have chosen a purple for mine as well and I can only hope and pray that it is as fabulous as yours!!

Looks like everything is moving well again for you. I suppose you'll be up with the birds in the morning for that fly-by visit on the way to work. Don't forget to leave enough time for pics!!

K AND T said...

Clapping hands, clapping hands, clapping hands!!!!!
The paint colour is gorgeous and the splashback is simply stunning!!!!
Hooray for movement!
Pics look just fine with the camera phone, but please pack your camera in the morning! ;-)

BelleBeau said...

Hey Mandy, it's supposed to be Dulux Enchantress. The loungeroom is having a feature wall in it too. Can't wait!

Hey K, are they moving at your place????? More pics woman!!


Thuy said...

Hey J,

The house is coming along nicely! I LOVE ur splashback colour! I only wish i were brave enough to get a bold colour (instead got white! hahaha)

Thats nice that you got a good painter!

Btw, is ur CSC "N";s last name "N" too? If so, we had the same CSC...i say "had" cos she told me she left PD...

Jo said...

Absolutely stunning! The kitchen is gorgeous! What an amazing space to cook in. I just love your bravery with your choices.. in a world of same, same, same it is so refreshing!

With the overhead cupboards blending in, the splashback is such a statement piece. I could look at it all day! And possibly will! lol

M&J said...

Hi BB, LOOOOOOOVE your splashback colour!!!! GORGEOUS!!!! We'll be waiting for those pics of the finished painting! :)

Toni said...

Wow J! Splashback looks fantastic! I've been looking forward to seeing your selections come to life. Can't wait to see a big shot showing feature wall too ;-)

Great that you got to meet the painter, and probably a good thing too considering the feature walls........ (shaking head).

Things are definitely moving along. Great stuff!

R&C's Brookvale 45 Home said...

CDB, photos are great and don't worry what we think about the splash back, you'll think ours is boring when you see it, it's whether your happy. I don't mind it actually but we weren't brave enough to go past muted colours.

Tell me, what size water thank is that and is just for the garden or connected to the toilets?. Did it cost much as we are thinking about this afterwards.


Relle said...

Hi BB, sorry I'm with R and C on the splashback colour. I do love the colour but couldn't live with it. But what I think doesn't matter, I loved the fact that you love it and were so pleased with your choice!

That's what's so great about following these blogs, you can see and appreciate everybody's individual differences.

I do like your wall colour that was one of my choices but my husband didn't agree.

Your in the home straight now. Looking forward to next update. Relle.

BelleBeau said...

Thanks all,

Hi Newbies, long time no hear!!Hope that your new home is wonderful now you are in. Can't believe that I was following your build when I was waiting for a start!

Hey Jo, fingers crossed for your army issue. You know that the only place for neutral is on a gear stick!

Hi Hels, finally caught up with the SS, he should have an idea for me by the end of the week about PCI.

Thanks M&J, we're really happy with it ;-)

Hi Toni, I can't wait either! DD2 has now decided on half strength "love that pink" instead of full strength so good that we are on terms with the painter.

Hi R&C, it is a nylex tank that holds 2000L. Currently it is plumbed to the toilets. PD did this, but we are looking to get one for the garden once we move in. Nylex is in receivership so I have no idea if these are still available?? DH saw it at a Bowen's trade night and thought it would be great for the garden tank as the pump is enclosed.

Thanks Relle, I appreciate that you can be happy for me being happy! That's what makes the world go round, it's good to be different.

Cheers all

Toni said...

Your DD will love "love that pink" it's such a nice colour. Look forward to seeing it in half strength.

Have you started packing yet?

John,Tarin and The Kids said...

Woot I love your kitchen. I am very nervous about mine as i have chosen a out of the square colour too. But your kitchen is wonderful.