Little bits have been happening most days this week. A couple of hours, at most, most days, but at least there has been progress. Today there was excellent progress!
On Monday, a great big delivery of timber arrived at the block. The timber for the frame and posts had been delivered. Excitement!!
On Tuesday, they started cutting bits of timber. We know this because there were piles of sawdust everywhere! They just seemed to be cutting to specific predetermined lengths in piles? Boring!
On Wednesday, they had put chalk lines on the slab showing where the walls were to go. Wow, now the rooms look very small. Panic stations, what have we done!!!!
On Thursday, the finished the retaining wall down the right hand side of the block. This was the smaller retaining wall. Hmm, perhaps they had a better offer somewhere else?
Today, they finished off the left hand retaining wall (32m) and they have laid out most of the outside walls of the frame on the slab and started to put the frame together. Now, the rooms look bigger again, Phew!! I must say the frames are very neat and I could not even see any stray nails on the noggins. To my untrained eyes, they looked very good.
From reading other blogs (Hi WBH!), it seems that it takes about a week to get the frame up. So, hopefully by the end of next week, we will have a completed frame. They question is, of course, will it be panic stations again, or Phew, it looks an ok size.
Some pictures of the slab, with the frame laid out on it. As you can see, there is still a fairly large amount of timber waiting. I imagine it is for the internal wall frames.
This is taken from about half way down the slab looking across to the back. The large hole in the frame in the foreground is the window for bed 4. They have not finished the bottom of the frame for the window yet.
From the front looking towards the back.
Have a great week everyone!